Overjoyed to have been invited on the Standard Issue Podcast

Me with Podcaster extraordinaire Mickey Noonan in the studio

Me with Podcaster extraordinaire Mickey Noonan in the studio

I had a great time meeting the Standard Issue ladies and talking to them about beetles and other invertebrates.

You can listen here on Acast or listen here on iTunes

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Standard Issue is the online magazine by women for women takes to the internet airwaves with its much-loved blend of opinion and humour.


WARNING: There is bad language.

World Book Day 2018


I wanted to make a blog post to celebrate the frankly incredible costumes you guys put together for this years World Book Day. I think you all look amazing. 

Some children dressed up even though school was cancelled due to snow (that’s you Max!) 

I was told one librarian dressed up as Lucretia Cutter and her assistant dressed up as a rhinoceros beetle, and Lucretia chased the beetle around every classroom in the school! 

To all you wonderful readers, Thankyou. Here’s a gallery of images of your wonderful costumes.

If you dressed up and want to be added to the gallery just send me a picture via Facebook, twitter or email.

M. G. Leonard on Lauren Laverne's Memory Tapes for BBC 6 Music

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This morning I had a lovely chat with Lauren Laverne on BBC 6 music about my Beetle Boy trilogy and how I came to write three books inspired by the insects when I was originally scared of them.

I put together a playlist of five tracks that encapsulated each of the three books, so fifteen tracks in all, and Lauren selected five to play on the show.

You can listen here and find out what the other tracks were. If you're a Humphrey and Pickering fan, then you won't be disappointed. I've got tracks in there for Novak, Lucretia, Darkus and of course the beetles.


Battle of the Beetles is PUBLISHED!


ON February 1st 2018 the final instalment of my beetle filled trilogy was published. I hope you all enjoy how this epic story ends. Perhaps it might inspire you to go out into your gardens and befriend some beetles.

If you want to help me get the beetle books into the hands of readers, then please do hop over to Amazon and give the books a review. This is the single nicest thing you can do for an author whose books you've enjoyed.

I must also give a shout out to all the wonderful children who've sent me selfies of themselves with their books. These pictures rock my beetle loving world. Thank-you!


I'm a judge for the BIG IDEA COMPETITION 2018

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If you have an idea for a story that could be a children's book, an animation or a movie, then you have a big idea! And, if you fancy submitting it to the big idea competition, then you could win £1000 and see it turned into any or all of those things. I am joining a very prestigious panel of judges who will be reviewing the ideas and choosing the winners. You can find out all about it here.

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Beetle Queen is nominated for the 2018 Carnegie Medal

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I am delighted that Beetle Queen has been nominated for the 2018 Carnegie Medal.

The Carnegie Medal is special because to be nominated is to be chosen by librarians up and down the country for this prestigious prize.

The second book in a trilogy often gets very little attention, rather like a middle child, and I love my middle child. She may be villainous and frightening in places, but I'm proud of her.

It means a great deal to me that librarians rate the book, as my reading world was built in libraries, and my taste developed by librarians. I owe them everything, including my career.

So hoorah for Beetle Queen and all librarians everywhere.

Beetle Boy is selected to be a White Raven 2017


Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard, with illustrations fromJúlia Sardà, is a White Raven 2017. It has been selected for the White Raven annual book catalogue, of book recommendations in the field of international children’s and youth literature. This year’s White Ravens catalogue contains 200 titles in 38 languages from 56 countries and represents the best children's books in Europe. The list will be launched at Frankfurt and be on display at Bologna next year. It's such an honour.

I'm contributing to an anthology celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Women's suffrage

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I am so pleased to be a part of this project which sees a whole bunch of my favourite authors writing stories about kickass girls and heroic women to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. Needless to say, my story will have bugs in it, after all #BugsR4Girls. Read below what Nosy Crow - the publisher - has to say about the book, Make More Noise! which will be available in bookshops on the same day as Battle of the Beetles is published, February 1st 2018.

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